Bangladesh Water Development Board Job Circular । বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি

  • Bangladesh Water Development Board Job, Bangladesh Water Development Board Job Circular

    চাকরির বর্ণনাঃ

    বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ডের রাজস্ব খাতভুক্ত নিন্মে বর্ণিত পদে সরাসরি জনবল নিয়োগের লক্ষ্যে যোগ্যতাসম্পন্ন প্রকৃত বাংলাদেশী নাগরিকদের নিকট হতে অনলাইনে দরখাস্ত আহ্বান করা যাচ্ছে ।

    পদের নাম এবং সংখ্যাঃ

    • সহকারী পরিচালক (প্রশাসন)

    শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতাঃ

    নিচের বিজ্ঞপ্তি ছবিতে দেখুন ।

    আবেদন করার প্রক্রিয়াঃ

    প্রার্থীকে অনলাইনে ( ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে আবেদন করতে হবে।

    আবেদনের সময়সীমা: আবেদন করা যাবে ১০/০৪/২০২৫ ইং বিকাল ৫টা পর্যন্ত ।

    বিস্তারিত তথ্য এই বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে দেখুন, (বিজ্ঞপ্তিটি ফুল রেজুলেশনে ডাউনলোড করতে নিচের ছবিতে ক্লিক করুন)

    Bangladesh Water Development Board Job Circular


    The Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) is a government organization responsible for managing and developing the country’s water resources. It plays a crucial role in ensuring proper water management, flood control, drainage, irrigation, and the overall development of the water sector in Bangladesh.

    Key Functions of the BWDB:

    1. Flood Control and Drainage: BWDB develops flood control and drainage infrastructure to protect areas from seasonal floods, particularly during the monsoon season. This includes the construction and maintenance of embankments, drainage systems, and flood protection measures.

    2. Irrigation: The BWDB designs and implements irrigation projects to support agricultural activities, ensuring that water is efficiently used for crop production. It manages water distribution systems in rural areas for farming.

    3. Water Resource Management: BWDB is responsible for managing and conserving both surface and groundwater resources. It conducts surveys, monitors water quality, and ensures the sustainable use of these resources.

    4. Coastal Protection: BWDB plays a significant role in the protection of coastal areas from storm surges, salinity intrusion, and erosion. Coastal embankments and polders are built to safeguard communities and agricultural lands.

    5. Hydrological Studies and Research: The Board conducts hydrological studies, maintains river gauges, and monitors rainfall patterns to better predict floods and water availability.

    6. Water Supply and Sanitation: In some areas, BWDB is involved in providing safe water supply and sanitation services to communities.

    7. River Management and Navigation: BWDB is also involved in the management of rivers to prevent erosion and to ensure safe navigation for transport.

    Organizational Structure:

    The BWDB is under the Ministry of Water Resources and has regional offices in different parts of Bangladesh. The organization works closely with local governments, international donors, and other development agencies to carry out its projects.


    • Climate Change: Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including increased rainfall and flooding. This poses a significant challenge for BWDB in managing flood control and irrigation systems.
    • River Erosion: Many rivers in Bangladesh are prone to erosion, which affects both human settlements and agriculture.
    • Water Pollution: The growing population and industrialization have led to the pollution of water bodies, posing a threat to water quality and public health


    প্রতিদিনের চাকরির খবর গুলো ফেসবুকে পেতে জয়েন করুন আমাদের গ্রুপে । গ্রুপে জয়েন করতে ক্লিক করুন এই ছবিতে ।

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